WP2. Regional policy in the Mezzogiorno (M1-15)

Coordinator: University of Reggio Calabria


Focus and objectives

In this WP regional policy strategies, tools, implementation and impacts are compared across two policy ‘regimes’ – the national regional policy period (1950-80) and the EU Cohesion policy period (from the early 1990s on). The analysis addresses Southern Italy in aggregate terms, through the following ‘thematic lenses’:

  1. Macroeconomic contexts, policy design, socioeconomic impacts
  2. Industrial policy: from industrial parks to negotiated programs and innovation policy
  3. Agricultural policy: from land reform to rural development
  4. Tourism: from mass tourism to sustainable tourism
  5. Social infrastructure and services
  6. Social structures and institutions: from the ‘state bourgeoisie’ to the ‘local social blocs’
  7. The governance of territorial transformation: infrastructure, urbanization and planning

The aim of WP2 is to identify the influence of macroeconomic conditions, policy design/resources and governance/implementation processes on socio-economic performance in the two periods (in close relation to WP1).


Activities and milestones

  • Kick-off workshop (WS0; M1)
  • Thematic analyses of the Southern trajectory (M1-7)
  • Intermediate workshop to discuss preliminary findings and key differences between the two periods (WS1; M7)
  • Writing of thematic reports (M7-13)
  • Final WP2 workshop (WS2; M13)
  • Writing of WP2 Report (D3) posted ‘open access’ on the website (M13-15)